.wipefs bot
.wipefs bot

.wipefs bot

Your bot receives this message from the Twitch IRC server when all messages are removed from the chat room, or all messages for a specific user are removed from the chat room. Twitch sends the following Twitch-specific messages to your bot if you request the commands and membership capability. : 421 WHO :Unknown command Twitch-specific IRC messages If your bot sends a message that Twitch’s IRC server doesn’t support, the server replies with the standard 421 numeric message. Your bot receives this message from the Twitch IRC server when a user posts a chat message in the chat room. Your bot sends this message to post a chat message in the channel’s chat room.

.wipefs bot

Your bot sends this message in reply to the Twitch IRC server’s PING message. Your bot receives this message from the Twitch IRC server when the server wants to ensure that your bot is still alive and able to respond to the server’s messages. See Authenticating with the Twitch IRC server.


Your bot sends this message to specify the bot’s password when authenticating with the Twitch IRC server. Your bot receives this message from the Twitch IRC server when a channel bans it. Your bot sends this message to leave a channel. You can get NOTICE messages for other reasons if you request the commands capability. Your bot receives this message from the Twitch IRC server when your bot fails to authenticate with the server. Your bot sends this message to specify the bot’s nickname when authenticating with the Twitch IRC server. Your bot sends this message to join a channel. The following is the list of IRC messages that Twitch supports if it’s not listed here, Twitch doesn’t support it. While Twitch’s IRC server generally follows RFC1459, it doesn’t support all IRC messages. The Twitch IRC server also sends your bot PING messages to ensure that your bot is still alive and able to respond to the server’s messages. To leave a chat room, your bot sends a PART message. For information about Twitch capabilities, see Twitch-specific IRC capabilities. You’ll also receive these messages if the chat room’s moderator enters the same commands in the chat. When you use Twitch commands, the server may send your bot NOTICE messages or Twitch-specific messages like CLEARCHAT to let you know whether the command succeeded. Or, if your bot requests command capabilities, your bot can send PRIVMSG messages that contain Twitch chat commands like /ban and /uniquechat. Requesting the membership capability allows your bot to receive JOIN and PART messages when users join and leave the chat room. Without requesting Twitch-specific IRC capabilities, your bot is limited to sending and receiving PRIVMSG messages. The Getting Started example does just this by looking for the !dice command, rolling the die, and sending a PRIVMSG message with the rolled number. For example, if your bot performs an action in response to a user command, it must parse the user’s posted message to see if it contains the command. If your bot responds to messages that users post in the chat room, your bot will need to read and parse the PRIVMSG messages that the server sends the server sends a PRIVMSG message for each message users post in the chat room. To send the reminder, your bot sends a PRIVMSG message (see Sending a message to the chat room). If your bot simply sends out get up and move reminders at specific intervals, your bot can mostly ignore all other messages from the server. The messages your bot sends and receives depends on what your bot does and the Twitch-specific IRC capabilities it requests. Once the server successfully authenticates your bot, the next step is to send a JOIN message to join the chat room that the bot runs in. These messages are used to authenticate the user account that the bot is running under. Normal message flowĪfter connecting to the server, the first messages that all bots must send are the PASS and NICK messages. For a list of supported messages, see Supported IRC messages. If you’re not already familiar with them, reading them may help you understand the Twitch IRC server. Twitch’s IRC service is based on RFC1459 and IRCv3 Message Tag specification. For example, bots can provide simple reminders like get up and move or hydrate, or they can perform Twitch actions like banning a user, or they can react to user input.įor a simple example to get you started quickly, see Getting Started. Once connected, bots can send and receive chat messages. Twitch provides an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) interface that lets chatbots connect to Twitch chat rooms using a WebSocket or TCP connection.

.wipefs bot